I love …. the music, the sounds, the languages, the clothing, the dancing, everything that’s associated with this predominantly Latino history.
A Strong and Distinctive Community
Hunts Point is located on a peninsula in the South Bronx of New York City. It is home to a dynamic and vibrant residential community and thriving business district. It is also home to one of the largest food distribution facilities in the world; a unique and thriving art scene; and community organizations dedicated to developing programming that uplifts the local youth, cultivates and preserves the community’s culture, and focuses on the empowerment and economic revitalization of the neighborhood.
The Hunts Point Experience

Hunts Point is a manufacturing hub and it’s a community so it’s multiple things for everyone.
By The Numbers
# of businesses in Hunts Point

By The Numbers
Workers, 705 of whom live in the Bronx

What I love about Hunts Point is that it's a unique place. The people are resilient, and it's just this kind of little piece of the Bronx that's its own little village.

I love …. the music, the sounds, the languages, the clothing, the dancing, everything that’s associated with this predominantly Latino history.
By The Numbers
# of businesses in Hunts Point

What I love about Hunts Point is that it's a unique place. The people are resilient, and it's just this kind of little piece of the Bronx that's its own little village.
Hunts Point is a manufacturing hub and it’s a community so it’s multiple things for everyone.
By The Numbers
Workers, 705 of whom live in the Bronx

Ralph Acevedo is a Bronx community leader with a wealth of experience in the fields of housing, homeless services, mental health and governmental affairs.
Past Victories

Barretto Point Park - After locals reclaimed a brownfield as “La Playita” for public gatherings in the early 2000s, the Department of Parks and Recreation (NYC Parks) and Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) worked with locals to design the new park, which opened in 2006.
For questions or more information, please contact the Hunts Point Forward team.